Keira had her 4 month check up yesterday. Dr. Putt Putt says she is healthy and doing great! I don't think Dr. Putt Putt expected her to be such a rolly polly because everytime he took his hand off of her on the examining table she rolled over and a couple of times she nearly rolled off the table. I was on the other side of the room holding James (he was a bit under the weather)and would scream to Dr. Putt Putt "Grab her"!! It was a bit scary at times. He kept saying "Yikes I forget she rolls so much". Scary. Anyway, she weighed in around 15.5 lbs and 24.5 inches long, making her a pretty big girl. Her is a picture of her at 4 months with Ebee. Ebee has been quite the popular guy/gal lately. Ebee is gender and race neutral-perhaps the perfect little critter in this wild world.